Access your world: Using eye gaze technology for communication and beyond (10.30-11.30am)

Concurrent session M4
Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)
Communication difference
Complex communication needs (CCN)
Equity, diversity and inclusion
Inclusive education
Innovative practice
Multidisciplinary practice
Neuro-developmental disability
Palliative care
Progressive disorders
Transdisciplinary practice
Monday, May 27, 2024
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
River View Room 04


Jessica Dickson and Stephanie Reeves


⏫ Skill-building session
📚 Assumed knowledge of attendees: Foundational (new/casual familiarity with the topic e.g. treated a single case)


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Mrs Jessica Dickson
Occupational Therapist and Principal Consultant
Superyou Tech

Access your world: Using eye gaze technology for communication and beyond

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Presentation summary

Electronic eye gaze technology has the potential to open doors to communication and beyond for individuals with complex communication needs (CCN) and complex physical disabilities. This presentation will cover considerations when assessing for suitable access methods including eye gaze technology, recommendations for successful implementation of eye gaze technology as well as applications for this technology beyond face-to-face communication to meet a variety of client goals. Implementing alternative access technology is commonly an area of multidisciplinary practice and the presenters of speech pathology and occupational therapy backgrounds will be able to share their unique perspectives and collaboration opportunities in this area of practice.

While expressive communication is the most frequently researched outcome of the use of eye gaze technology, enhanced educational outcomes, access to recreation and leisure, increased interpersonal interactions, enhanced relationships and functional independence have been shown to increase with access to eye gaze technology. For individuals with progressive conditions, eye gaze technology can allow continued access to activities which are important within their lives including communication outcomes. This presentation will encourage participants to broaden their thinking and see real-life examples of how eye gaze technology may be utilised to enhance client outcomes in areas including communication, computer access, recreation, education, employment and environmental control.
While the potential of this technology is exciting, the support required, and potential obstacles related to successful implementation of eye gaze technology can be significant and this poses the risk of abandonment of the technology. The presentation will also draw on the latest research as well as clinical guidelines to provide recommendations, practical tips and resources for successful implementation of eye gaze technology.

Key messages

Following the presentation, participants will have enhanced knowledge of:
1. The potential areas of application for eye gaze technology including face-to-face communication and beyond.
2. Potential risk factors for abandonment of eye gaze technology and strategies to support successful implementation.
3. Guidelines and resources to further develop their ability to support individuals with CCN and complex physical needs to access eye gaze technology within their practice.


Jessica Dickson is an Occupational Therapist and Principal Consultant at Superyou Tech. Jessica has over 15 years experience working with people with disabilities across the lifespan, around assistive technology assessment, implementation and training. Jessica has a strong passion and interest in supporting people with disabilities to independently control their world using assistive technology, particularly for augmentative and alternative communication, computer access, gaming and environmental control. She has written and delivered professional development training to the Western Australian disability sector on wheelchair mounting, switch access and eye gaze technology. Jessica’s also been involved in projects exploring use of AT for innovative purposes including DADAA’s Startspeak, using tablet technology for artistic expression and Indigo’s Engaging in Eyegaze, using eye gaze technology to access the curriculum.
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Miss Stephanie Reeves
Executive Manager, Clinical Services

Access your world: Using eye gaze technology for communication and beyond

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM


Session chair

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Karen Wylie
Curtin University

Student volunteer(s)

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Rania Atee
Curtin University

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Emily Candy
Curtin University

The information contained in this program is current at of the time of publishing but is subject to changes made without notice.

Disclaimer: © (2024) The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited. All rights reserved.
Important Notice, please read: The views expressed in this presentation and reproduced in these materials are not necessarily the views of, or endorsed by, The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited ("the Association"). The Association makes no warranty or representation in relation to the content, currency or accuracy of any of the materials comprised in this presentation. The Association expressly disclaims any and all liability (including liability for negligence) in respect of use of these materials and the information contained within them. The Association recommends you seek independent professional advice prior to making any decision involving matters outlined in this presentation including in any of the materials referred to or otherwise incorporated into this presentation.


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