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T3B | Workshop: Using the capability approach to conceptualise AAC acceptance

Grand Ballroom 3
Communication access and communication rights
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Grand Ballroom 3


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Dr Andy Smidt
Senior Lecturer
The University Of Sydney

Using the Capability Approach to conceptualise AAC acceptance

Presentation summary

Background and context: For the 97 million people in the world who have complex communication needs and are recommended alternative and augmentative communication (AAC), getting the “right” device is an investment of time and money. However, device abandonment remains common, and researchers have attempted to investigate the causes of people abandoning devices. In a recent publication, we presented AAC device prescription in relation to the Amartya Sen's Capability Approach. Our AAC adapted capability approach supports clinicians to view AAC users choosing how to communicate according to context and environment as a valid choice of the individual rather than viewing this as abandonment. In this workshop, we will unpack the Capability Approach and support attendees to consider the factors needed to create acceptance of AAC and success in communication.

Learning outcomes: Participants will (1) understand the capability approach and how it supports AAC device prescription. (2) reconceptualise the AAC user as competent and able to exercise self-determination and agency in their choices

Assumed knowledge or experience: Basic understanding about AAC and types of devices

Outline of activities: case studies will be used to illustrate how the AAC adapted version of the Capability Approach can support clinical decision making for a range of different communicators and AAC users.

Implications for practice: Participants will have a better understanding of the factors that influence AAC success and be able to use this to support families considering AAC.

Keywords: AAC, device abandonment, Capability Approach

Submission Statement: This workshop asks participants to reflect on their values, and respect the choices of AAC users. Using the capability approach supports SLPs to reconsider device abandonment and respond to AAC users with a more nuanced understanding of personal choice and how it influences AAC use on a day-to-day basis.
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Miss Chloe Wine
Speech Pathologist
Allied Health Partnerships

Using the Capability Approach to conceptualise AAC acceptance
